Christy: How come I have very little motivation to dance in quarantine?
Poinsettia: Maybe because the room is small?
Christy: Or it’s just that I am lazy and hopeless..
Poinsettia: Don’t say that, you are struggling and struggling is a sign of trying and having goals in your heart. Let’s see what elements are involved in this situation.
Christy: Elements?
Poinsettia: Shall we start with something simple? Like the necessity to do things? Or how do you feel?
Christy: I just don’t see the urgency to train myself, and I don’t see the purpose to dance in a prolonged period of time. I dance a bit when I feel like.
Poinsettia: That’s good! Understanding your eager to move and move from your heart. Remember how you always feel more motivated to dance after a good warm up?
Christy: Yes. Then maybe I should force myself to warm up and dance?
Poinsettia: Sometimes it’s good to push through and persist, and you might even be rewarded after that. But it is also okay to stay true to the moment. Maybe you can listen to yourself better?
Christy: I listened but I am stubborn and easily drown in my own thoughts.
Poinsettia: And you always categorised your thoughts as bad thoughts too. Maybe there truly is no good or bad.. ya I know it sounded bullshit too.
Christy: Yes I know you are just trying to help. Shall we talk about something else instead? Enough about me.
Poinsettia: Yes! Let’s talk about your favourite Nietzsche and dance!!
Christy: I don’t know he dance?
Poinsettia: I am not sure if he did, but in his writings there are lots of reference to dance and today I read about his view on human’s impulse to move with others in his book “Human, All Too Human”.
He said that this impulse is older than language.
Christy: Earlier than the discovering of mirror neurons. Cool.
Poinsettia: He also pointed out that it goes on involuntarily even when the language of gesture is universally suppressed as he observed that among Christians from his days.
Christy: He’s right about the suppression, it grew worse. Even manipulation. Very interesting.
Poinsettia: What I am saying is, this might be one of the reasons why you are not dancing as much. Cos you don’t have a person to dance with. But look! You are dancing with me in words, isn’t that wonderful?
Christy: I guess it is, I am enjoying this conversation. I have heard that Nietzsche talked a lot about dance in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, I have got the book, maybe I will read more and we shall talk about that next time?
Poinsettia: Sure! SEE you are having motivation. Live you life and don’t compare to others. You are loved.
Christy: Oh this is so sweet of you. But I guess since you are me, this is getting a bit awkward. I will talk to you later. Bye.
Poinsettia: Bye~